Key Stage 1
In Key Stage One, we build upon and consolidate learning in the Early Years and continue to develop the characteristics needed to become effective learners. Our educational philosophy is centered around fostering a growth mindset and enforcing a positive can-do approach where children are left with a thirst to take risks and enjoy challenges, equipping them for life in the 21st century. We want our pupils to be confident, well-rounded deep thinkers who never stop questioning. For this to happen, we ensure learning experiences have real relevance, purpose, and authenticity.
Developing the whole child is a priority and although we ensure academic rigour, nurturing transferable skills for life drives our creative curriculum, which is rich in experiences. Children have opportunities to guide the direction of learning and share their thoughts and ideas. We recognise that you know your child best and you are still the most important teachers in their lives. We hope to work together to ensure your child has rewarding and enriching learning experiences to develop a life-long love for learning. At SAIPS we strive to promote and enrich positive relationships with our parents and the community.
Key Stage 1 at St. Andrew’s
Years 1 & 2
St. Andrew’s International Primary School follows the National Curriculum of England - adapted and developed to meet the needs of our talented, international student body.
The table below will help students and parents to understand the various Key Stages.
Please note that St. Andrew’s also offers both Pre-Nursery and Toddler classes: Toddler from 14 months - 2 years; Pre Nursery from 2 - 3 years of age.
In Britain, education is compulsory for all children between the ages of 5 and 16 with clear provision made for students from 3 to 18. Children are placed in year groups based on their age on 31st August.
Progress between Year Groups is usually automatic, although students may be out of their age group for exceptional reasons. Year Groups are clustered into Key Stages and a defined curriculum is produced for each Key Stage.
The Early Years Phase is made up of Nursery and Reception classes - students are aged between 3 and 5.
Key Stage 1 is made up of Year 1 and Year 2 classes - students are aged between 5 and 7.
Key Stage 2 is made up of Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 classes - students are aged between 7 and 11.
Throughout each Key Stage there are clear assessments to monitor and track each child’s academic progress.
All subject areas are integrated and tied together within a creative curriculum. Teachers are passionate about following the interests of the children, and find opportunities to incorporate this into their daily learning opporunities.
The core curriculum in Year 1 and 2- which is taught by Class Teachers - comprises:
Additionally, foundation subjects are also class taught:
Humanities (History and Geography)
PSHE (Physical, Social, Health & Economic Wellbeing)
The following subject are taught by specialist lead teachers in Year 1 and Year 2:
Physical Education & Swimming
Computing (Digital Literacy)
French (Year 2 only)