PSHE & RHE: Intent
PSHE & RHE: Intent
(Physical, Social, Health & Economic Well-being; Relationships & Health Education)
At St. Andrew’s, we enable our children to become independent, responsible, and healthy members of society. Our aim is to equip children to understand how they are developing personally and socially whilst developing resilience to tackle any moral, social or cultural issue they may experience. We provide opportunities to explore, understand and respectfully challenge their own and others’ values, attitudes, beliefs, rights and responsibilities ensuring that children appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse community.
By providing students with a happy, purposeful and supportive environment, children are enabled to become successful learners, develop their full potential and achieve the highest educational standards that they can. Our school reflects a passionate commitment to learning and recognition of the uniqueness of individual learners. It is driven by our shared desire to offer the best possible education for our pupils in partnership with parents and the local community.
Our Personal Development mapping also pulls together all aspects of our curriculum, not just the elements that are taught in lessons.